Paul Rodgers has generously sent in an article of his research into the labels' sales figures and the awards that were received from the British Phonograph Industry for singles and albums.

Paul Flanagan, gentleman that he is, very kindly put together an article for 2-tone.info on his research into alternative versions and curiosities available across the label.

One of the most enigmatic names in the story of 2 Tone, John Collins was drafted in to produce the label's finest moment, Ghost Town, after Jerry Dammers lauded his production on Victor Romero Evan's 'At The Club'. John recounts the recording process of one of the most prescient records ever to hit the top spot in the UKs' chart history.
It's not just among the 2 Tone faithful that Walt Jabsco is held in such high esteem. The die cut 2 Tone sleeve is listed among the most memorable record sleeves of all time, taking its place along side the likes of Jamie Reid's artwork for the Sex Pistols and The Beatles Sergeant Pepper sleeve. Like all great design, the artwork captured the idea simply & perfectly...
 2 Tone, while having huge coverage across the music press during it's heyday, has had rather few publications focusing solely on the label or the artists therein. Here we've listed the titles that most collectors would look to have grace their bookshelf.
Although 2 Tone was closely identified with Ska, efforts were made to try and broaden the labels musical output; Two bands that almost made it onto the label were UB40 and Dexy’s Midnight Runners...
Jerry Dammers may have said "we aim to please with tributes to versions of songs by The Skatalites, Prince Buster, The Maytals and the Harry J All Stars" but at the time there were those critics who thought that 2 Tone lacked imagination because of the labels high percentage of cover versions...
 2 Tone at its peak ('79 - '81) released 17 singles and all but 2 of them made the national charts. It was not uncommon for singles on the label to reach sales figures in excess of 250,000. Given such numbers its maybe not that surprising that there were a few misshapes at the pressing plants...
Interviews with John Collins, Ghost Town Producer and Specials guitarist & songwriter Roddy Radiation...