This website was built and is maintained by two 2 Tone collectors. It is not an official website. It is not connected in any way to the label. We have no contact information for the Artists, Publishers or Record Companies who own the rights to the music.
We do not have any items for sale. We do not speculate on prices for 2 Tone related items. The site was simply built to provide an informative catalogue of the record label's releases worldwide to other likeminded collectors.
We welcome any comments or suggestions for the site, and particularly if you have any records or items that we have not made reference to, we'd love to hear from you.
Our hope for the site is that it can become a definitive resource point for collectors and fans alike, and as such would welcome scans of records (or 2 Tone related items) that we don't already have on the site.
The site was built from the combined collections of Jason Weir & Peter Walsh, accompanying text by Jason Weir, design & development by Peter Walsh & Brian Greene of doopdesign.
All textual content © Copyright 2011 Jason Weir & Peter Walsh (except as otherwise marked)
All Rights Reserved
The site is hosted and maintained by doopdesign.
Jason & Peter can be contacted at info@2-tone.info
We would like to acknowledge the help & contributions of:
Nick Davies
Donal Greene
Des Grant
Bryan Clarke
Sid Stovold
Andreas Schmidt
Andy Brooks
Paul Rogers
Mark Holmes
Simon Joyce
Paul Rodgers
Michael Hodges
Philippe Albert
Paul Williams (www.freewebs.com/paulwillo)
Graeme Sharpe
Txarly Uptight
Paul Flanagan
Laurence Wood
Bazza (www.redskins.co.uk)
Ronan O'Donnell
Adele Carden
Graham Whitby
Mike Cornwell
Chris Dabbs
Gabriel Hirsch
Dave Mcintyre
Mike Green
Kevin Farris
Ricky Johnston
Roberto Sterle
Reinhard zur Heiden
Carl Middleton
Chaney (Chaney's World: Scooters & VW's - A Way of Life)
Jeff Barber
Nigel Skelton
Frank Groenveld
Luca Sartor
Liam Curtin