Side 1
Side 2
International Jet Set
This single was a lifted from the band's second album and saw them move away form their ska roots and experiment with lounge music or muzak as it was called. 'Stereotype' was a bold choice of track to release as a single but it sold well, giving the band yet another 10 ten hit. This was all the more remarkable given that the censors were less than impressed by the song lyrics. At the time it was played either in an abbreviated form or worse still it wasn't played at all. It seems that the words 'pissed' and 'V.D.' were too much for the nations ears.
The single was promoted in the music press by a picture of a car crash, which can be assumed is a reference to the line "he drives home pissed at night" and "He's wrapped 'round a lamp post on Saturday night".
Dammers subsequently commented that Chrysalis pushed for 'Enjoy Yourself' for the flip side to try to secure a Christmas No.1 but Dammers stuck to his guns and the record marks one of the most interesting releases on the label, two songs that epitomised his vision of a new musical direction for the group.